Monthly Archives: February 2014

Voter dissatisfaction may drive municial elections this fall

By Robert Washburn

As municipal politicians in West Northumberland County shake hands to greet residents at their levee’s this week, the starter’s pistol for the fall elections is going off. For those in office, it is far too early to register officially, but don’t be fooled: the race is already underway. What will determine the outcome? These are a number of issues that may well play into the campaigns as the days unfold. Downtown revitalization is one. Continue Reading →

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Labour unrest about people, not unions or companies

By Robert Washburn

Labour unrest has arrived on the doorstep of West Northumberland. There are 160 employees locked out at Cobourg’s Horizon Plastics after the two sides were unable to reach an agreement following a marathon negotiating session last week. Then, there are office dispatchers and mechanics at First Student Transportation in Bowmanville who are scheduled to strike starting Tuesday, affecting thousands of students in 46 schools across the public and separate school boards. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Provincial election already underway, unofficially

By Robert Washburn

With the recent visit of Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak to Northumberland last week and Premier Kathleen Wynne’s upcoming visit to Port Hope next week, it appears the unofficial general election in Ontario is already underway. It is serious campaigning. Taxpayers pay some of it, as politicians devise ways to make it look like government business; and other times it is a partisan event funded by the party. It is an opportunity to streamline messages, field test policies, and take the temperature of the electorate. Meanwhile, there is plausible deniability where no one admits they are in election mode. Continue Reading →

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