Column August 2, 2000 By Robert Washburn Our community has a unique opportunity. It is not often...
Robert Washburn
Professor of e-journalism
Publisher of Consider This
First published: July 19, 2000 The headlines have been jarring. There was a story in the weekend...
First published: July 5, 2000 The impact of the proposed power stores on Strathy Road reach far...
First published: July 2000 Clarington should become part of Northumberland County, rather than join with Port Hope...
First published: June 21, 2000 Northumberland County politicians have been less than honest with taxpayers. The 6.2...
First published: June 21, 2000 It is an outrage to learn Northumberland County council further reduced its...
First published: June 7, 2000 These are tough days to be a conservative in Northumberland. Unlike the...
First published: May 25, 2000 County taxpayers should be screaming after council approved spending $1.5 million –...
May 10, 2000 After 12 years as Northumberland’s Member of Parliament, Christine Stewart will not run in...
Column April 26, 2000 By Robert Washburn Groups come before local municipal councils seeking endorsement for events,...